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Day 1: The Ultimate 10 Minute Brainstorming Workshop
Learn how to run your own 10-minute brainstorming workshop so that your team can share their ideas, make decisions and curate next steps, fast.
Day 2: The #1 Decision Making Workshop
Make an impact and get sh*t done with your own Action Board workshop! Prioritize ideas, quickly identify which ideas to ditch and take away actionable tasks for simple jobs and big projects.
Day 3: How to Find Problems, Fast
Form a clear, well-defined challenge for the team to ideate on with the Challenge Hunter workshop.
It'll be clear to all future employers that you can identify and solve a challenge fast -showing you're worth the big bucks $$$!
"I started an in-house project a few days ago, and after today’s email, I decided to do a workshop. I think it is incredible.
I knew that method, but you gave me instructions and tips on how to do it better. Right now I have a lot of ideas, and I’m going to another workshop with the rest of the team today."
"So good! I’m loving these continued learning snacks! This is exactly what I was looking and hoping for to keep sharpening my saw."
"I started an in-house project a few days ago, and after today’s email, I decided to do a workshop. I think it is incredible.
I knew that method, but you gave me instructions and tips on how to do it better. Right, now I have a lot of ideas, and I’m going to another workshop with the rest of the team today."
Day 1: The Ultimate 10 Minute Brainstorming Workshop
Learn how to run your own 10-minute brainstorming workshop so that your team can share their ideas, make decisions and curate next steps, fast.
Day 2: The #1 Decision Making Workshop
Make an impact and get sh*t done with your own Action Board workshop! Prioritize ideas, quickly identify which ideas to ditch and take away actionable tasks for simple jobs and big projects.
Day 3: How to Find Problems, Fast
Form a clear, well-defined challenge for the team to ideate on with the Challenge Hunter workshop.
It'll be clear to all future employers that you can identify and solve a challenge fast -showing you're worth the big bucks $$$!
"I started an in-house project a few days ago, and after today’s email, I decided to do a workshop. I think it is incredible.
I knew that method, but you gave me instructions and tips on how to do it better. Right now I have a lot of ideas, and I’m going to another workshop with the rest of the team today."
"So good! I’m loving these continued learning snacks! This is exactly what I was looking and hoping for to keep sharpening my saw."